What we do

We work in 3 major domains:

  1. Preventive Health Screening
  2. Health Education
  3. Smart Health Report

Preventive Health Screening

The following team of specialists including the following arrives at your school-

  1. Pediatrician
  2. Ear, Nose, throat (ENT) Specialist
  3. Opthalmologist
  4. Dentist
  5. Psychiatrist
  6. Dietician


The examination is done under the following domains:

  1. Anthropometry ( Includes Height, Weight, Height for age and BMI for age growth charts)
  1. Medical Examination ( Includes screening for multivitamin deficiency, anemia, iodine deficiency, complete head to toe examination, systemic examination- respiratory, cardiovascular and neurology examination)
  2. Eye Examination ( Vision screening, colour blindness screening and multiple refractive error screening)
  1. Ear Examination ( Otoscopy, Tympanometry and Pure Tone Audiometry)
  2. Dental Examination ( Dental caries, oral examination, ulcers, gingivitis, dental sealant program and fluoride gel application)
  3. Mental Health ( Screening for anxiety and depression, SEL training)

Types of Diagnosis & Importance for Kids

Anthropometric Examination


  • India has 2nd highest number of obese children in the world
  • 1 out of every 4 child is stunted


How it is done?

  • Growth of a child is assessed using measurements like weight, and height for age.
  • Nutrition status in turn can be assessed using hand grip strength test and mid-arm circumference measurements.
  • Malnutrition involves both undernutrition and over-nutrition.
  • Body Mass index helps us to know whether the child is too thin or obese.

Vision screening


  • 80 % of what the child learns is processed through the visual system.
  • India is home to the largest number of blind children in the world and half of them are preventable.
  • Vitamin A deficiency causes an estimated 60000 children in India go blind each year.
  • In India, around 20 million children are estimated to have at least mild vitamin A deficiency.
  • Various refractive errors especially myopia is very common among children and these children need glasses.
  • Did you know that children with colour vision are not eligible for various jobs like pilots, loco pilots etc.

Hearing screening


  • In India out of the total disabled child, 20% are hearing disabled.
  • World’s largest school-age children with hearing disability reside in India.


How hearing problem impacts learning?

 It interferes with a child’s Speech development, Academic performance, Cognitive abilities & Emotional wellbeing 


Why is the need for hearing screening?

Hearing is the essential doorway to learning. Educationally Significant Hearing Loss(ESHL) interferes with academic performance 


How it is done?

  • Pure Tone Audiometry- Gold Standard for hearing screening.
  • Otoscopy

Dental Examination

It impedes learning activity and interaction with peers in schools.

  • Significantly affects health and development
  • interferes with daily activities, sleep & quality of life

Mental Health and Wellbeing


It impedes learning activity and interaction with peers in schools.

  • Significantly affects health and development
  • Interferes with daily activities, sleep & quality of life

Health Education

Health education is provided in a comprehensive, integrated, and accessible manner to promote health and prevent lifestyle diseases.
This shall include the following areas:

  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Importance of a healthy and nutritious diet
  3. Importance of physical activity and exercise
  4. Mental Health awareness
  5. Bullying Prevention
  6. Adolescent Health 
  7. Emotional Health
  8. Alcohol and substance abuse awareness 
  9. Road safety
  10. General first aid CPR demonstration

Smart Health Report

Every individual child shall receive a printed Smart Health Report.